To a child, a wall can be a mystery. They know it signifies the edge of a space, but they tend to think of walls as barriers and likely have not realized that there is actually a bunch of stuff inside lots of walls! In class this week, we explored our walls and what’s behind them to find that our walls have structure. There can be lots of different things behind there like wires, plumbing, and insulation, but the structure of a particular wall depends on what room it is in and what the people in that room might need. Students discovered that in order to fit everything behind our walls, we must design them with enough support to hold them up and enough space to fit whatever else we need. We then gave structure to our own walls for a room that we specially designed!
Today and camp students had the chance to discuss and observe the walls around them. They had discussions on what could be behind them, how they were built as well as if different rooms had different wall structures. They thought about questions like how do walls stay standing up and how do people decide what goes behind them. Student were then tasked with designing their own wall with its own structures on the inside.
Students had several options to choose from in terms of outer and inner designs including wall paper.
There was a variety of different kinds of builds. Some walls included electricity, plumbing and insolation as well as some sort of outer design.
Your child may come home with a wall or room they constructed with both the inside and outside designed by them
If you are interested in seeing KSL kids explaining what is inside a wall click this link: