Summer Camps that Explore Outer Space and Science for Kids
How do offer STEM Programs for Elementary Kids in Science Summer Camps?
Summer Camps in Chicago have always had the advantage of including real projects for kids, and Kids Science Labs Innovation Camps have taken it to the next level, offering science projects for PreK - 8th grade students that explore adventures in outer space.
Kids may have experimented with thermal sensitive paper.
During our summer camps this year in Seattle, students had a blast discussing and playing with temperature changes. They had the chance to experiment with heat and light as well as explore the relative temperatures of various objects. Our summer camp students were then were able to design a heat sensing tool as seen above. The purpose of these tools is to relay information of relative temperature and UV light from the sun. In order to do this they were given the KSL relative temperature scale seen below.
The KSL relative temperature scale that was used.
A big part of Terraforming a planet, involves investigating what would it would take to change soil in order to give plants the nutrients they need in order to grow and thrive. Our young scientists selected and planted vegetables, flowers, and fruits that they would desire to grow and harvest in outer space, then made nutrient rich soil for those plants.
Kids adjust their soil to add certain nutrients like nitrogen.
Our scholars compared types of dirt, soil and other environments for growing plants. Most students used this day to design device including a seed planted in their own nutrient rich soil and a transport container. It can be repotted in your home or outside garden.